lately, the kids have been begging to go to the rings in venice. they swing from ring to ring, naturally. like it's nothing. like they were born to fly. like you don't need calluses or special equipment or years of training to do this sort of thing. i watch in awe and snap photos. there is nooooo way i am even going to approach those things. my job is to hoist the kids up and give them a first push and then stand back and gape. we met this one guy from japan who can practically do flips while swinging from one ring to the next. we applaud his efforts and he says, "oh, that pass was just okay". uh huh. he told us he came all the way out here just because of these particular rings. "it's the best exercise", he says. we smirk at the idea of someone coming half way across the world for this ring park that's practically at our back door, this park that we've pretty much ignored for years, but seriously, this guy is in incredible shape, so he must know what he's talking about. wow. where have i been?
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