i really like andrea's lists. she makes lists all the time, like "100 things in the world i love", etc. and the lists are always very inspiring and fun to read and so i thought i would make my own list, in honor of her, who has inspired me to do so and because today is my birthday and andrea always makes lists like this on her birthday and i've always wanted to do the same but have been afraid of doing so for whatever reason, probably commitment issues, but anyway, i'm doing it, finally. so here is my list. thank you, andrea, for the inspiration you have given me to do such a thing. it's been really fun. i encourage everyone to do the same. and thank you everyone for all your sweet wishes for my birthday. it means the world to me. i feel so blessed to have you all in my life!
37 things to do before i turn 38:
1. cross-process film. done.
2. perform an act of guerilla artistry.
3. cook something for the local food bank. done!
4. make marshmallows.
5. watch the sun rise. done. many times now.
6. have a slumber party. marley's birthday party in march.
7. secretly plant flowers in one of my neighbor's gardens.
8. make french macaroons.
9. learn how to play a good vibrato on my cello. working on this...
10. organize the craft room.
11. go on a road trip.
12. sew myself a dress.
13. raise an angora rabbit.
14. take marley and griffin out on a full moon walk.
15. shoot a roll of lomo, rewind and have someone else shoot over it.
16. hike the ute.
17. work on a zine with marley.
18. make photo journals with the kids. still working on these, but the books are made.
19. knit a pair of socks.
20. write a short story. here
21. spin yarn with toys in it.
22. crochet a set of wings.
23. make a mixed media teepee.
24. get cushions made for the outdoor bed. we have a wool "mattress" that we are now pulling inside and out for this, as needed.
25. finish making the kids' quilts.
26. weave recycled sweaters into something.
27. get involved in the los angeles park project.
28. renew my driver's license. by mail. woohoo!
29. teach marley how to load and shoot a poloroid.
30. learn how to shoot with a flash.
31. paint a picture.
32. buy a composter.
33. go for a walk in the rain.
34. learn to read music. working on it.
35. watch "tous les matins du monde".
36. cook something italian.
37. take a ballet class.
Happy Birthday! I just love Pisces. My son Gus is one too. You are super smart and creative, and your waters run deep! Love the photos. More please!
Posted by: Jeannie | February 28, 2009 at 10:37 AM
tous les matins du monde! i read that in french last year. i am curious why the movie is on your list of things to do??
Posted by: Anna | April 20, 2009 at 09:47 PM